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Makar Sankranti Celebrations
Thisfestival is celebrated differently in different parts of the country.
It isa four day festival in Andhra Pradesh
Day1- Bhogi Panduga (Bhogi)
Day 2- Pedda Panduga,SANKRANTI (Surya)
Day 3- Kanuma Panduga (Kanuma)
Day 4- Mukkanuma
Thefirst day of festival is Bhogi. At dawn people light up a bonfire withseveral old articles in their house. In many familities they celebrate Bhogipallu, in the evening. These are the regi pallu with petals of flower andcoins of money, will be put on the heads of kids(generally younger than 3years)(like talambralu) to get rid of Dishti(drushti). The second day is Sankranti,the big festival, when everyone wears new clothes and pray to their favouriteGod by offering them sweets. Kanuma Panduga (Kanuma) is less celebratedbut is an integral part of Sankranti culture. Mukkanuma is famous amongthe non-vegetarians of the society. People do not eat any non-vegetarian duringthe first three days of the festival and eat it only on the day of Mukkanuma.
Sankrantiusually represents all the four days together. It is celebrated in almost everyvillage with adventurous games in South India. Whether it is the cock fights inAndhra, Bull fighting in Tamil Nadu or Elephant Mela in Kerala, there is hugeamount of illegal betting but the so called tradition continues to play a majorrole in the festival. Another notable feature of the festival in South India isthe Haridas who moves around begging for rice wishing luck to the household. Rangolicompetitions too are a common sight. The entire month from mid-December tosankranthi is celebrated with giant rangolis in front of the house which aredrawn only at late night for the entire month. For all other days of the year,rangoli is typically drawn in mornings only.
Ithas a special significance in Orissa. It's a most precious day for Oriyapeople. Makar Sankranti marks the beginning of the Sun's journey to theNorthern Hemisphere (Makara raasi), signifying the onset of UttarayanaPunyakalam. Makar Sankranti is celebrated with gusto in mid-January when theSun enters the orbit of capricon. The sun god is worshipped with great fervourand enthusiasm by one and all. The festival can be best enjoyed at Kalijai(an island in Chilika), Atri (Khurda), Ghatgaon, Keonjhar, Jashipur,puri and Jagatsinghpur. A special kind of sweet rice is offered tothe local god and goddess. In Jagannath temple at puri this festival isobserved as Uttarayana Yatra and Uttarayan Vandapana of lord Jagannath. Thisspecial sweet rice (Raw Chawal) is made with sugar, Banana, Cheese, Piledcoconut, Camphor and black pepper and offered to the God. This special rice ispopularly known as "Makara Chaula"
InTamil Nadu Sankranti is known by the name of 'Pongal, which takes itsname from the surging of rice boiled in a pot of milk, and this festival hasmore significance than even Diwali. It is very popular particularly amongstfarmers. Rice and pulses cooked together in ghee and milk is offered to thefamily deity after the ritual worship. In essence in the South this Sankrantiis a 'Puja (worship) for the Sun God.
In Maharashtraon the Sankranti day people exchange multi-colored tilguds made from til(sesame seeds) and sugar and til-laddus made from til and jaggery. Til-polisare offered for lunch. While exchanging tilguls as tokens of goodwill peoplegreet each other saying -- 'til-gul ghya, god god bola' meaning 'acceptthese tilguls and speak sweet words'. The under-lying thought in the exchangeof tilguls is to forget the past ill-feelings and hostilities and resolve tospeak sweetly and remain friends. This is a special day for the women inMaharashtra when married women are invited for a get-together called 'Haldi-Kumkumand given gifts of any utensil, which the woman of the house purchases on thatday. Hindus wear ornaments made of 'Halwa' on this day.
In Karnataka,the festival is marked by visiting one's friends and relatives to exchangegreetings, and by the preparation of a dish called Ellu (made withsesame seeds, coconuts, sugar blocks, etc). A common custom found acrossKarnataka is the exchange of sugarcane pieces and Ellu with one's neighbors,friends and relatives. In Karnataka, Pongal is known as 'Sankranti', andcows and bullocks are gaily decorated and fed 'Pongal'- a sweet preparationof rice. In the night a bonfire is lit andthe animals are made to jump over the fire.
MakarSankranti ismarked by men, women and children wearing colorful clothing; visiting near anddear ones; and exchanging pieces of sugarcane, a mixture of fried til,molasses, pieces of dry coconut, peanuts and fried gram. On this auspiciousday, people in Karnataka distribute Yellu and bella (Sesame seeds and Jaggery)and greet with the words "Ellu bella thindu, Olle Maathu Aadu"(Eat sesame seeds and speak only good). The significance of this exchange isthat sweetness should prevail in all the dealings.
In GujaratSankranti is observed more or less in the same manner as in Maharashtra butwith a difference that in Gujarat there is a custom of giving gifts torelatives. The elders in the family give gifts to the younger members of thefamily. The Gujarati Pundits on this auspicious day grant scholarshipsto students for higher studies in astrology and philosophy. Kite flying has been associated with this festival in a big way. Ithas become an internationally well-known event.
InUttar Pradesh, Sankranti is called 'Khichiri'. Taking a dip in the holyrivers on this day is regarded as most auspicious. A big one-month long 'Magha-Mela'fair begins at Prayag (Allahabad) on this occasion. Apart from Triveni, ritualbathing also takes place at many places like Haridvar and Garh Mukteshwar inUttar Pradesh, and Patna in Bihar.
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