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Sahara turns 10!

It's hard to realise that your little ones are growing up. Especially when they are so very little and cute and furry. But apparently not even my will can stop the passage of time. Sahara had her tenth birthday on the 28th of August - my youngest hit double figures.

Here she is the night before her birthday, still only nine years old.

When we woke up on her birthday, she started the day with some Greenies in bed. Sahara loves her Greenies!

Then it was downstairs for some morning oatmilk. Actually, this wasn't a birthday treat - Sahara likes to share my oatmilk with me every morning!

She spent the day as she always spends her days - lounging around, napping, playing in the cat max, chasing toys and being adored.

For dinner, in addition to her normal dinner (which is super non-vegan so I didn't get a photo of that) she also enjoyed a bowl of steamed broccoli. Broccoli is one of Sahara's favourite things, and whenever I make it she is always around, trying to steal it off your plate. She was very happy to get her own bowl of it, just for her!

Here she is with her present - a Kong Kickaroo! She loves to kill things, and the bigger the better, so this is great for her! She knew what to do with it straight away, unlike the other two - they think it is more of a Sniffaroo and just like to smell the catnip. I haven't been able to get a photo of her playing with it yet, she always knows and jumps up quickly! One day.

Love you my little bear!

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