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Traditional Breakfast ~ Typical South Indian Style

We woke up to an unexpected shower of rain! Last night we were so excited seeing signs of drizzling that came our way! We ran out trilled at the prospect of raining visiting us. Only to be greeted with a clear sky but a ground scantly covered with rain drops. It was hubby who with all excitement called out to me as if it was pouring! Well you can imagine the need of rains in our parts of the world. We tried taking deep breath to smell that exquisite smell you get to sense after a shower. Unfortunately we no longer live in a rustic place to experience that. It smelled more of oil and petrol reeked motors, zipping fast past us as we stood witnessing the beauty that was unfolding before us.

But then we had a surprise in the morning. Looked like it rained through the night and morning was so cool and wonderful. Hubby dear left to receive his sisters family.The train unexpectedly was delayed by an hour and by the time they came home, I was able to get the breakfast ready. 

Hubby dear was teasing Amma saying she will get upset if I usurped the show by making all the dishes myself. So he told me that I should be generous to let Amma make her signature Kesari Bath. Well I knew how much loves the way Amma makes it. Though my nieces and nephew love the way I make, I knew I can't stand a chance when competing with Amma. True to word, it tured out really awesome. Kids had a field day just eating that and nothing else!

Rest of the dishes I managed to make before our guests arrival.

Ven Pongal (What I made today was the way it is made normally in Tamil Nadu)
Groundnut Chutney ~ Andhra Special
Onion Sambar ~ Vengaya Sambar
Medu Vada
Kesari Bhath

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