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Aloo Matar Tikkis Recipe ~ Potato Peas Patty Recipe Step by Step

I never realized so many things can happen almost at the same time. One moment you are overjoyed, the next moment upset over illness.

This is what happens when you are high or rather loose track of events. Saturday was full of spirits as I was trying to make 5 different dishes for the book, only to know kids will be back by 1 pm. You know how time flies right. And the phone never stopped ringing. Hubby dear was most amused knowing so many friends called in to wish me. While most of them were my childhood friends, it pleased me no end to realize how many wonderful friends blogging got me. I was really touched with those lovely 4 blogger friends who called me in to wish me.

After the crazy cooking, managed to click some pictures. I was really happy that the day was productive. Konda had planned for some gala birthday party. I refused to let her invite elders, saying I no longer feel like a teenage gushing to celebrate birthdays. When finally it was over, we went out for dinner and a movie in the open air. But when we came back home we saw that Peddu was not keeping well. He threw up whatever he ate which was only a cake. Sunday was spent washing up everything, finally we had to take him to hospital. Thank God, he is doing fine today. Still we didn't send him to school, and Chinnu missed him so much at school, when I called him in the morning.

Missing out on work the past two days, I really had so much to do. So I thought I will share this simple aloo matar tikkis that I made for the burgers. This recipe is something like you just make with whatever you have.

Aloo Matter Tikkis Recipe

Step by Step for those of you who wanted to learn!

Boil Potatoes, peas and Carrot till tender


In a pan saute onions ginger garlic paste, coriander leaves, green chili paste till done. then add boiled vegetables.


After the onions are browned, remove to a bowl and allow to cool. Then add about 1 tbsp of All purpose flour!
Mix everything together.

 Then make big balls and flatten over your left palm.

 Continue with the rest of the mix


You will have like this ready

Then make a batter of Maida/ All purpose flour with water. The batter should be quite thick. Then have bread crumbs ready.
First dip the Alo batter in the Maida batter, then press over the bread crumbs till you have the tikkis are rolled up like this!


 Flatten using your palms


 Heat a non stick pan with little oil, place the tikkis over it.



Simmer till each side is well done. It will turn colour like this.

 When you have the colour like the above you are done!

As I said this is a very simple recipe, but anybody wants in exact proportions, just leave comment, else I will assume the pictures are self explanatory!

Have a good week ahead.

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